Importing Sub Tasks

The Connector's import functionality allows you to specify how you wish to handle sub-tasks.

There are four options for importing sub-tasks.

  • Exclude subtasks from the import - This option will simply not import any tasks from JIRA that have a type of "Sub-task"
  • Consolidate subtasks during the import - This option will summarize the durations and work completed into the parent task during the import.  This option requires that you are using the extended web services. 
    • Include parent value in total - will include the duration and work completed logged under the parent task in the total imported.
    • Use parent values if no subtasks - will import the duration and work completed on the parent task if there is no sub-tasks.
  • Indent subtasks during the import - This option will import and indent the sub task under the parent issue. This option requires that you are using the extended web services.
  • Import subtasks on the same level as the parent task - This option will include the subtask during the import but it will add it as a top level task at the same level as its parent. You can optionally choose to include the parent issue or exclude the parent issue (if it is not already included in the project plan).