Status Mappings

The Configure Status Mappings allows you to configure The Connector to update the Microsoft Project percentage complete based on the status of the issue and the value provided here.

Example: If during the update from JIRA, the JIRA issue is marked as "In Progress", the Microsoft Project task will get updated to 50% complete (or whatever value is defined in the box below).

You can turn off individual status mappings by un-checking the option in the left most column. If an issue has a status that is not being mapped, its percentage complete will simply not be updated. Checking the Use this map always option will force the % complete to the percent filled in here and the work fields will be calculated based on this as well.

Always use status mappings to calculate percentage complete - This will always use the mapping irregardless of the calculation. 

Map percent complete if greater - The mapping will only get used if the value is greater then the calculated value.  You can configure this so that it will only use the mapping if the value is greater then the value that comes from JIRA. For example, if the percentage complete in JIRA calculates to 50% (8h task with 4h of actual work), and the issue has a status of "In Progress". If you have the map only if greater enabled and the "In Progress" mapping is set to25 %, it will use the greater of the two values. So the % complete field will populate with 50%.

NOTE:  In order for this to work when updating tasks the option  must be turned on in the Update from JIRA - Customize - Advanced tab.